Sunday, August 19, 2007

"You could have a heart attack . . ."

". . . and if your heart starts beating fast, you should call 9-1-1." That is exactly what my doctor told me at my annual check-up. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Definitely an eye-opener.
Dr. Bowen was referring to the issues with my thyroid. She was trying, not to scare me, but to help me realize the severity of my neglect to attend my doctor's appointment and take my medication.

See what had happened was, at the physical one has to get before entering college. I was told I have a hyperactive thyroid. My thyroid was monitored for about a year, and at that time, everything was ok and I didn't have any further appointments. Fast forward six years to my physical taken last year where they checked my blood. This time, my thyroid had gotten worse, the doctors found a goiter on my neck, prescribed a medication, and set up an appointment with a specialist.

Well, I started taking my meds, but then I read the side effects and decided not to take them anymore. I mean, I couldn't tell that my thyroid was bothering me, so why would I want to take this medicine and feel horrible? Then I canceled my appointment because I didn't want to get off work early. It was too much trouble (I am not a good patient). Plus my doctor at the time didn't make it out to be a big deal.

So 2007 rolls around and its time for my annual exam. I have a new doctor, Dr. Bowen. On my "List any concerns that you may have" section of the paper I had to fill out, I put that I had been experiencing extreme fatigue (Normally I would pass it off and blame my tiredness on teaching; however, I haven't been in a classroom since early June, and I have been so exhausted lately. I knew something must be wrong with me. Plus I'm always thirsty. I thought I had diabetes. It runs on both sides of my family). She looked at my records and said that it was probably related to my thyroid.

Then I confessed my lack of follow through with my last physical a year ago. Dr. Bowen had a look of concern on her face. She asked, "Did [your previous] doctor tell you how serious this is?" Meanwhile I'm thinking, "It's never that serious!" But I replied with, "No." Thats when she went into the "I'm not trying to scare you but . . ." She told me all these things that could happen to me, including sudden death, if I didn't take care of my thyroid. She added that thyroid issues go hand in hand with diabetes, and that if I wasn't careful, I would soon have that too. She also said that my thyroid would have to be even more carefully monitored if I ever got pregnant.

Needless to say, I start a new prescription next week. I go see the specialist in November. I am thankful for this visit. I appreciate Dr. Bowen's honesty because she made me realize the importance of this health matter, because before, I was rather nonchalant about the whole thing.

All in all, I am thankful for what I do have and also thankful for what I don't have. I sure am glad that I know Jesus, because if I didn't, I might would be a lil hysterical right now. I'm ok though. I was definitely taken aback by the news and I can't stop thinking about it. But I'm ok. Please keep me in your prayers.

One last thing, I advise that you go see a doctor on a regular basis. I know some people, especially black people, are apprehensive about doctor visits (I am guilty), but we all need a check-up at least once a year. Early detection can be a life saver. Just because you feel fine doesn't mean that you are fine. Please see a doctor when you can.