Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saggin Spelled Backwards

One of my co-workers told me that she overheard a conversation between some of her students. In this conversation, a black male student, lets call him Jahmal, told his peers that he had recently been denied a job opportunity. He went to the interview wearing baggy pants that dropped just below his waist. He was being interviewed by a white male. During the course of the interview, the interviewer asked Jahmal, "Do you know what saggin spells when written backwards?" Jahmal thought for a second and said, "Niggas." The interviewer said, "Right and we don't hire people who sag and we don't hire niggas." Needless to say, he didn't get the job. My co-worker said that the only reason she didn't tell Jahmal to turn around and stop talking was because she felt those students needed to hear that. They need to know their appearance will hurt or help them get a job.

And I must admit, I wasn't even mad (at first, but as I reread this entry for errors, I'm starting to analyze the situation a little more) when the man said nigga. Our young black males need to know that wearing your pants below your butt, waddling into an interview is going to get them (more often than not) an automatic rejection. Pull your pants up!!